Industry Medical Services
Employees 23
The Sinteza Polyclinic – Start-up that builds good organisational foundations for big plans

For over 15 years, the Sinteza Polyclinic has been offering comprehensive medical services of the highest standard, based on medical excellence in early detection and disease prevention, medical counselling and treatment using the latest medical equipment. They are dedicated to the promotion of patients’ health through timely prevention and high quality treatment, in line with the international best practices. Their medical professionals are characterized by top-tier knowledge, experience, and professionalism.

Industry Medical Services
Employees 23
  • Establishment of a structured HR system
  • Improved internal communication channels
  • Development of benefit program aligned to employee needs
  • Development of a performance evaluation system, and of the objective recognition of contributions
  • Development of a culture of support & flexibility

MAMFORCE Partnership

The comprehensive analysis of the organisation’s policies and procedures, carried out during the MAMFORCE certification process, has indicated the priority issues for action in the Sinteza Polyclinic. The ensuing action plan focused on the monitoring and improvement of internal processes, to make sure they are fit to serve the planned growth of the organisation.

Internal communication was identified as one of the principal areas for improvement. Additional team meetings and operational meetings were therefore included in the action plan, and the provision was made that they will have a limited duration and not infringe on employees’ private time. One-on-one meetings were also introduced as a means of developing the culture of constructive feedback. Messaging apps were inaugurated, along with the intranet containing all documents relevant to business operation, to facilitate the quick and direct flow of information. An employee manual was created for all employees, bringing together all information of their immediate interest.


The process of defining the vision and mission of the Polyclinic has been initiated, to better communicate to all employees what the value proposition of the organisation is based upon, and to establish the clarity of purpose and act as motivator to all involved.


The exponential growth of the number of employees required a structured system to monitor their performance, and the collaboration with the MAMFORCE team helped the Polyclinic realise its importance, and direct their efforts towards a transparent system of talent recognition, career development, and compensation.

Employee Testimonials

Unesite sadržaj projekta
Ministarstva rada, mirovinskoga sustava, obitelji i socijalne politike
Hrvatska zajednica županija
Spona Code
The implementation of the project is co-financed by the European Commission through the REC (Rights, Equality and Citizenship) program.
The European Commission
This information was published as part of the EU project “Redefine Work-Life for Women and Men” with the financial support of the European Union Program “Rights, Equality and Citizenship” (2014-2020). Spona Code is solely responsible for the content of this website. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for how the information on this website will be used.

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