Industry Food Industry
Employees 3.226
Podravka – MAMFORCE Standard

Podravka is a food processing and pharmaceutical company with almost 90 years of business history. Nowadays, they export their products to seventy markets worldwide. Podravka is one of the leading companies in South-Eastern, Central, and Eastern Europe. In pharmaceuticals, Podravka is the second-largest producer in Croatia. The company invests consistently in the improvements of organisational culture, and in the advanced business methods. The heart is the symbol of Podravka.

Industry Food Industry
Employees 3.226
  • Improving gender equality
  • Improving DEI
  • Harmonisation of private and business life
  • Positioning the company as family friendly
  • Development of managerial competencies
  • Internal communication
  • HR analytics
  • Benefit program
  • Succession Planning

MAMFORCE Partnership

In line with the advice received from the MAMFORCE team, Podravka introduced a series of new measures for employee performance monitoring, as well as measures aimed at improved gender equality and work-life balance. Several projects have been launched in this context, such as: Open Doors Day of the HR department, and in-depth study of corporate climate, organisational culture, and employee engagement. A comprehensive program for the assessment and development of management has been put in place, along with the program for detection of talents and successors (Compass), and the program for enhancement of employee resilience (Future Resilience, Balthasar), along with several others. Education and training programs for all levels of management were provided to raise their awareness of the importance of employee wellbeing, flexible working arrangements have been introduced, health benefits have been strengthened through the introduction of various preventive check-ups, and the program to support parents is now being offered (Parenthood and Child-rearing). As Podravka employs a significant number of workers from distant countries, a special program was developed for them as well, to facilitate their speedy integration into the working environment, with the daily help from colleagues and supervisors.



Improved Inclusive Leadership 8%


Better Work-life Balance 9%

Unesite sadržaj projekta
Ministarstva rada, mirovinskoga sustava, obitelji i socijalne politike
Hrvatska zajednica županija
Spona Code
The implementation of the project is co-financed by the European Commission through the REC (Rights, Equality and Citizenship) program.
The European Commission
This information was published as part of the EU project “Redefine Work-Life for Women and Men” with the financial support of the European Union Program “Rights, Equality and Citizenship” (2014-2020). Spona Code is solely responsible for the content of this website. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for how the information on this website will be used.

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