Industry ICT
Employees 32
Micro-Link – MAMFORCE standard in GROW category

Micro-Link is an ICT company that specialises in the comprehensive integration of wireless communication technologies and network solutions through professional IT services. They have been in business for over 30 years, and have over 400 business clients and partners from almost all fields of industry (processing, education, healthcare, telecommunications, energy, etc.), and from the local self-governance units, state administration, and the public sector. Micro-Link has consistently been recognised, over a number of years, as one of the most successful ICT companies in Croatia.

Industry ICT
Employees 32
  • Attracting and retaining the best talent
  • Empower women in the organisation
  • Employer Branding
  • Increasing employee satisfaction
  • Further develop flexibility in the organisation

MAMFORCE Partnership

Following the initial MAMFORCE audit, Micro-Link proceeded to implement the multiphase action plan, which resulted in improvements in the key areas of corporate culture, such as talent management (+9%), employee well-being (+23%), and development of leadership skills (+12%). Some of the successful measures included: family day at the company, parental leave, flexible working hours, and remote work. In addition to that, a performance management system has been put in place, with clearly defined KPIs, along with a reward system for employees based on their individual annual targets. The mentoring system, progress monitoring, and integration of newly hired employees have also been improved.



Improved Inclusive Leadership 12%


Better Work-life Balance 9%

Employee testimonials


Ministry of Labour, Pension System, Family and Social Policy
Croatian County Association
Spona Code
The implementation of the project is co-financed by the European Commission through the REC (Rights, Equality and Citizenship) program.
This information was published as part of the EU project “Redefine Work-Life for Women and Men” with the financial support of the European Union Program “Rights, Equality and Citizenship” (2014-2020). Spona Code is solely responsible for the content of this website. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for how the information on this website will be used.

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