Redefine Work-Life for Women and Men: WorkLife4U

Raising awareness about the problems that young people face while looking for employment and raising a family

Based on gender stereotypes society expects mothers to primarily care for their children and families while it discourages fathers from taking a more active role in parenting. Employers are thus more likely to hire young men to whom they provide better opportunities for career advancement. In a fairer society, life and work conditions would adapt to certain stages of life so that everyone can have a fulfilled private and professional life, which leads to a more prosperous community.

The projects’ goal is to change the established expectations from women and men in the family and at work and at the same time raise awareness about the problems that young people face while trying to find a job and raise a family. The project aims to encourage the introduction of new business practices that will facilitate the reconciliation of family and business life for women and men, promote more equal participation of mothers in the labour market and an active role of fathers in childcare, which is in line with demographic revitalisation and family strengthening priorities.

Main objectives of the EU co-financed project:

  • Reduce the impact of gender stereotypes on employment opportunities and career development of young women and men.
  • Make employers and the public aware of culturally conditioned different expectations from men and women at work and in the family.
  • Reduce the unconscious bias of employers, employees and representatives of regional and local authorities.
  • Improve the position of working mothers and women in the workplace.
  • Improve the awareness of working mothers and fathers about the existing legal solutions for parental leave and introduce them to the possibilities of flexible work arrangements; thereby influence the growth in the use of fathers’ parental leave.

Project activities: 

  • Conference

Two conferences were held with 28 lecturers and 265 participants.

  • Public events

Five public presentations of the project were held in Rijeka, Varaždin, Split, Osijek and Pula, four MAMFORCE Standard Public Award Ceremonies, and four presentations of research results, which together gathered 1,556 participants.

  • Researches

Research was conducted on the challenges of harmonising parenthood and career and on the balance between the private and work lives of working mothers and pregnant women.

  • Education

20 educations on inclusive leadership were held for 328 employers, managers, executives and human resources professionals, and 12 educations for 395 employees on the rights of working parents and the news brought by the EU Directive on the balance of private and work life of parents and caretakers.

  • Acquisition of the MAMFORCE standard

The MAMFORCE Standard was introduced in 20 organisations, which improved working conditions for 13,722 employees, leading to greater employee engagement, more inclusive leadership and greater satisfaction with the balance of private and business life in the organisations.

By introducing the MAMFORE Standard, the goal was to implement changes during the duration of the project that will contribute to changing the organisational culture and make it more ready to accept the legal changes brought by the new EU Directive on the balance of private and business life.

An audit that leads to the MAMFORCE Standard evaluates existing business practices and examines the employees’ experience to identify sources of unconscious biases that support stereotypical expectations about the gender roles of women and men. Measuring the status quo allows improvements necessary to create an organisational culture of equity in which everyone can be successful regardless of their differences and life circumstances. This results in better productivity and innovation due to the positive impact of greater employee engagement and diversity of ideas thanks to gender balance and general diversity.

  • Brochure

A MAMFORCE brochure with case studies of individual organisations in the project, a brochure on Inclusive Leadership and a Guide to Administration for (future) parents were created.

The project coordinator is the Ministry of Labour, Pension System, Family and Social Policy. Partners are Croatian County Association and Spona Code ltd.

The implementation of the project was co-financed by the European Commission through the REC program (Rights, Equality and Citizenship).

The project was implemented in the period from June 1, 2020, to May 31, 2023.

Ministry of Labour, Pension System, Family and Social Policy
Croatian County Association
Spona Code
The implementation of the project is co-financed by the European Commission through the REC (Rights, Equality and Citizenship) program.
This information was published as part of the EU project “Redefine Work-Life for Women and Men” with the financial support of the European Union Program “Rights, Equality and Citizenship” (2014-2020). Spona Code is solely responsible for the content of this website. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for how the information on this website will be used.

Case studies of audited companies


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