Unconscious bias is a term that refers to adopted stereotypes that are automatic, unintentional, universal, and capable of influencing people’s behavior. Unconscious bias education is designed to expose people to their unconscious prejudices, provide tools for correcting automatic thought patterns, and eliminate discriminatory behavior.
  • Number of men greatly exceeds the number of women in management positions, especially in the highest positions in many companies
  • From business departments to congress halls, from universities to courts, from religious institutions to philanthropic organisations, men are more likely to be perceived as leaders than women
  • The number of women in management positions will not increase significantly

Consciously or not, gender bias limits women’s careers

Common examples of unconscious bias

Sympathy and punishing assertiveness
Bias of similarity
Bias towards motherhood
Employment bias and skills doubts
Less recognition for success and guilt for failure

Fortunately for serious minds, a bias recognized is a bias sterilized.

Benjamin Haydon

This program includes learning new ways of behaving in everyday situations in the work environment.

  • Defining unconscious bias
  • Measuring unconscious bias
  • Maintaining nesvjesne pristranosti
  • Changing nesvjesne pristranosti

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